New drivers tend to pay the highest rates initially, though this gradually reduces as their driving record improves. Some insurers offer discounts and programs designed specifically for young drivers – including good student/good driver discounts or telematics policies which recognize safe driving behavior as savings opportunities. Insurance providers use various rating factors to create tailored …
Teenagers tend to pay high premiums for auto insurance. To reduce rates, teens can take steps to do so themselves; staying on a parent’s policy or purchasing an affordable vehicle are two approaches they could try; other solutions could include opting for telematics programs that use in-car devices to monitor driving habits and use telematics …
Car insurance provides financial protection in the event of an accident and also shields it against theft and vandalism – making it mandatory in many states. Most states mandate minimum bodily injury liability and property damage liability coverage, yet many people purchase additional coverage in order to be fully protected. Car insurance costs vary significantly …